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Victoria Electric Cooperative was founded during challenging times. More than 80 years ago a group of devoted farmers joined forces to find an affordable solution to bring light to darker times. On May 11, 1935, President Roosevelt signed executive order 7037 establishing the Rural Electrification Administration (REA). This opened the door for rural dwellers to form their own electric system based on a philosophy of “service rather than profit.” The first meeting of Victoria Electric Cooperative was held on December 17, 1938, at the Victoria County Courthouse. The by-laws were then adopted and one of the first orders of business was to work to resolve the problem of building power lines across the countryside. In efforts to make the Coop as successful as possible, the board members personally went out and solicited membership house by house ensuring that everyone that wanted electricity would be offered the opportunity. Decades later those grassroots have grown to over 15,000 members with nearly 3,000 miles of line mapped across six counties serving homes, businesses, and farms. What was once deemed a luxury is now a necessity that powers communities and empowers economic growth and development.
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